Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "An irresistible scene for photo fans. Being an almost daily occurrence in front ...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "The 'Stadt Wien' or City of Vienna, river excursion boat that now takes ...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "German war casualty. The woman accompanying him carries his new artificial leg u...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "Just me and the faithful old Peep. The two ammo cans on the front fenders hold o...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "Killing time while we wait for the circus to show up. The 76 Inf. Div. has had i...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "The oxen plod slowly, but at least don't shy from the many American trucks o...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "This farmer wondered why we had stopped the Peep and walked over to photograph h...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "The old lady half-buried under the hay tickled me so I nearly missed the pic. Am...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "Village people turn out to cut the grass in nearby meadow. See S-14 Near Orhdor...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "(See master Cap. in Q) Photographer poses for his own camera at the entrance to...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "German family, minus the man, hurries down the Autobahn. The Fräulein shys away ...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "Deutsch Bauer rests for a moment. Looks like a good man, and I'd feel sure t...
Buildings & Grounds. Subseries: Roll S. Folder: Book 7.
Fleming, Malcolm L.
Date Created:
Call Number:
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "(See master caption in Q) Castle Berg Gleichen in it's pastoral setting. Se...
Fleming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "Nothing is wasted here. All grass is cut, even to the center strip of the Autobah...
Fleming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "Armies come and go, but the country people carry on as before, though the womenfo...
Fleming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "Bicycle not built for two. Common enough sight, but the grey-haired woman riding ...
Fleming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "Deutsch Fraulein poses for willing photograph. She's barefooted, and that'...
Fleming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "This is a German family, or parts of several. When Cologne was taking a beating l...
Fleming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "As much a part of the Autobahns as the two concrete lanes is the steady processio...
Fleming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "Closeup of a group of French people making for home under their own steam. By tru...
Fleming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "German people, the quite old and the quite young, file out of the St. Augustine C...
Fleming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "(See master caption) "You Shall Know" sign put up by American authoriti...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "The children of Polish DP's who with their parents are now a major problem c...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "Polish children hungrily munch an afternoon snack of rations that were one in th...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "Polish women, under UNRRA guidance, conduct a thriving nursery for the children ...
Buildings & Grounds. Subseries: Roll R. Folder: Book 6.
Fleming, Malcolm L.
Date Created:
Call Number:
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "Air shot from a L-4H in an attempt to show typical building arrangement in a Ger...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "(See master caption in Q) On the hill a castle, in the valley the farmland - ty...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "Wedding procession of Polish DP's. The carriages are waiting. Gotha, Ger --...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "(See master caption in Q) Photog leans on one of Wachenburgs old cannons. Near...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "(See master caption in Q) GI's relax in courtyard of the castle Wachsenburg...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "(See master caption) in Q) Napoleon's chariot which now is a part of the Ge...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "(See master caption in Q) Stained glass window in the castle Wachsenburg pictur...
Buildings & Grounds. Subseries: Roll R. Folder: Book 6.
Fleming, Malcolm L.
Date Created:
Call Number:
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "(See master caption in Q) The chariot in which Napoleon is said to have ridden f...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "The Lt asks a GI, a frau, and a fraulien (her mostly, of course) the best way up...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "Little fellow makes his way to the Mulberg town bakery balancing on his head the...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "Mulberg's water supply. It's a community proposition, too. Your hands ar...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "That gooseberry pie is all cool now and sure looks like plenty for one family. B...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "It's Saturday, bake-day for Mulbergites. Women on the right bring their past...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "The old fellow in the pit has just hauled a nicely browned pie from the oven. Wh...
Buildings & Grounds. Subseries: Roll Q. Folder: Book 6.
Fleming, Malcolm L.
Date Created:
Call Number:
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "Mulberg, a typical German dorf. Like the thousands of others it is a throwback f...
Buildings & Grounds. Subseries: Roll Q. Folder: Book 6.
Fleming, Malcolm L.
Date Created:
Call Number:
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "The plaque to the honor of Bismarck on the rebuilt part of castle Mulberg. His n...
Buildings & Grounds. Subseries: Roll Q. Folder: Book 6.
Fleming, Malcolm L.
Date Created:
Geographic Location:
Berg Gleichen
Call Number:
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "Our old peep appearing not too out of place in the ancient setting of Berg (moun...
Buildings & Grounds. Subseries: Roll Q. Folder: Book 6.
Fleming, Malcolm L.
Date Created:
Call Number:
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "The old stone tower of Mulberg helps frame the distant view of Burg Gleichen. In...
Buildings & Grounds. Subseries: Roll Q. Folder: Book 6.
Fleming, Malcolm L.
Date Created:
Call Number:
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "The reconstructed tower of castle Mulberg. It's now a memoriam to Bismarck. ...
Buildings & Grounds. Subseries: Roll Q. Folder: Book 6.
Fleming, Malcolm L.
Date Created:
Geographic Location:
Call Number:
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "Across the Autobahn from Burg Gleichen appear the better preserved ruins of anot...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "Mike Hollander watched long convoys of our vehicles move west on a stretch of Hi...
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "Strictly candid. I'm perched on the wall of a tower getting a nice all-over ...
Buildings & Grounds. Subseries: Roll Q. Folder: Book 6.
Fleming, Malcolm L.
Date Created:
Call Number:
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "Lt. Rosenmann, etc. view the ruins of Burg Gleichen from atop one of its towers....
Flemming's caption typed on reverse side of image reads, in full: "German women labor to keep the home fires burning. The wooden cart is basic in t...