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- Description:
- For history see #71; --Note on envelope; [Reference is to 1962-08-6370 remarks: “Camp Mills, L.I.; Tribe- Oneida; P.O. address: West Depere, Wisconsin; Not ...
- Subject:
- Portrait, Veteran, Oneida, and World War, 1914-1918
- Creator:
- Dixon, Joseph K.
- Date Created:
- 1919-05-01
- Geographic Location:
- Camp Mills, Long Island, New York
- Persons Pictured:
- Powless, Chauncey
- Abstract:
- Chancey Powless schooling: Carlisle, first yr high school
- Physical Description:
- 1 nitrate 4 x 5.25”
- Alternate Identifier:
- 1962-08-6371
- Rights Notes:
- IU Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Wanamaker Collection of American Indian Photographs: public domain (copyright Rodman Wanamaker, 1913); commercial ...
- Holding Location:
- Bloomington - Indiana University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
416 North Indiana Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47408
Contact at, 812-855-6873
- Description:
- Siletz (Adams)/ White (Chapman) / P.O. addresses: 1st Lieut. Kirt Marcus Chapman: Cedar Rapids, Iowa / Sergt, John Victor Adams: Siletz, Oregon / Organizatio...
- Subject:
- Veteran, Portrait, Siletz , and World War, 1914-1918
- Creator:
- Dixon, Joseph K.
- Date Created:
- 1919-05-06
- Geographic Location:
- Camp Upton, Long Island, New York
- Persons Pictured:
- Chapman, Kirt Marcus and Sergt. John Victor Adams
- Physical Description:
- 1 nitrate 4 x 5.25”
- Alternate Identifier:
- 1962-08-6403
- Rights Notes:
- IU Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Wanamaker Collection of American Indian Photographs: public domain (copyright Rodman Wanamaker, 1913); commercial ...
- Holding Location:
- Bloomington - Indiana University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
416 North Indiana Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47408
Contact at, 812-855-6873
- Description:
- 4th Row, left to right: Pvt. Edw. Commano (Chippewa); age: 23; Organization: Hdqrs. Co, 90th Div.; P.O.: Deer River, Minn. / Sergt, Aaron Hancock (Choctaw);...
- Subject:
- Seminole, Schitsu’umsh, Chickasaw, Coeur d’Alene, Creek, Cherokee, Choctaw, Chippewa, Veteran, World War, 1914-1918, and Group portrait
- Creator:
- Dixon, Joseph K.
- Date Created:
- 1919-06-11
- Geographic Location:
- Camp Devens, Massachusetts
- Persons Pictured:
- Wesley, Charles, Berryhill, Daniel, Crittenden, Bill, Sitting Down, Stephen, Choate, Jimmie, Everidge, Fouvenier, Hanna, William T., Hunter, Tandy, Jackson...
- Abstract:
- “Delos Harris was the Grandson of Cyrus Harris, who happened to be the first Governor of the Chickasaw Nation” - information from Brandon Cardona, whose wife...
- Physical Description:
- 1 nitrate 4 x 5.25”
- Alternate Identifier:
- 1962-08-6470
- Rights Notes:
- IU Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Wanamaker Collection of American Indian Photographs: public domain (copyright Rodman Wanamaker, 1913); commercial ...
- Holding Location:
- Bloomington - Indiana University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
416 North Indiana Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47408
Contact at, 812-855-6873
- Description:
- P.O. Claremore, OK; Org: Co. I, 3rd Battn., 358th Inf., 90th Div.; Enl: 2-18-18; 31 years old; OK Citizen
- Subject:
- World War, 1914-1918, Cherokee, Veteran, and Portrait
- Creator:
- Dixon, Joseph K.
- Date Created:
- 1919-06-12
- Geographic Location:
- Camp Devens, Massachusetts
- Persons Pictured:
- Henry, Benjamin L.
- Physical Description:
- 1 nitrate 4 x 5.25
- Alternate Identifier:
- 1962-08-6478
- Rights Notes:
- IU Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Wanamaker Collection of American Indian Photographs: public domain (copyright Rodman Wanamaker, 1913); commercial ...
- Holding Location:
- Bloomington - Indiana University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
416 North Indiana Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47408
Contact at, 812-855-6873
- Description:
- 1926
- Subject:
- Topical Subject: Soviet Union, Geographic Subject: Usvyata, and Topical Subject: Maps
- Publisher:
- Генеральный штаб РККА
- Language:
- Russian
- Identifier:
- VAC9619-001185
- Genre:
- Military Maps and Topographic Maps
- Geographic Location:
- Coordinates: 55.6667, 30.75, 55.8333, 31
- Related URL:
- DataCORE Dataset Download:
- Abstract:
- Modern area represented: Usvyata, Pskov oblast, Russia
- Call Number:
- GM G7000 S50 .S68 Т-36-2-Г
- Caption:
- Не подлежит оглашению
- City:
- Усвяты (Usvyata)
- Copyright Holder:
- No Copyright - United States
- Country:
- State/Province:
- РСФСР (RSFSR) and Смоленская область (Smolensk oblast)
- Physical Description:
- Scale: 1:50,000
- Persistent URL:
- Provenance:
- Library of Congress Geography & Map Division
- Description:
- 1940
- Subject:
- Topical Subject: Maps, Geographic Subject: Maksatikha, and Topical Subject: Soviet Union
- Publisher:
- Генеральный штаб Красной Армии
- Language:
- Russian
- Identifier:
- VAC9619-002184
- Genre:
- Military Maps and Topographic Maps
- Geographic Location:
- Coordinates: 57.6667, 35.5, 58, 36
- Related URL:
- DataCORE Dataset Download:
- Abstract:
- Modern area represented: Максатиха (Maksatikha), Tverskaya oblast, Russia
- Call Number:
- G7000 s100 .S7 sheet О-36-84
- Caption:
- Временное издание
- City:
- Максатиха (Maksatikha)
- Copyright Holder:
- No Copyright - United States
- Country:
- State/Province:
- РСФСР (RSFSR) and Калининская область (Kalinin oblast)
- Physical Description:
- Scale: 1:100,000
- Persistent URL:
- Provenance:
- DMA Topographic Center, Army Map Service Library, OMAHA, Library of Congress Geography & Map Division
- Description:
- 1939
- Subject:
- Topical Subject: Soviet Union, Geographic Subject: Vaskinichi, and Topical Subject: Maps
- Publisher:
- Главное управление геодезии и картографии при СНК СССР
- Language:
- Russian
- Date Created:
- 1941
- Identifier:
- VAC9619-000009
- Genre:
- Topographic Maps and Military Maps
- Geographic Location:
- Coordinates: 59.6667, 32.75, 59.8333, 33
- Related URL:
- DataCORE Dataset Download:
- Abstract:
- Modern area represented: Vaskinichi, Leningrad oblast, Russia
- Call Number:
- G7000 s50 .S68 sheet O-36-6-D
- Caption:
- Секретно,Captured map
- City:
- Васкеничи (Vaskenichi)
- Copyright Holder:
- No Copyright - United States
- Country:
- State/Province:
- Тихвинский район (Tikhvin district), Ленинградская область (Leningrad oblast), РСФСР (RSFSR), and Волховский район (Volkhov district)
- Physical Description:
- Scale: 1:50,000
- Persistent URL:
- Provenance:
- DMA Topographic Center, Army Map Service Library, OMAHA, Library of Congress Geography & Map Division
- Description:
- 1939
- Subject:
- Geographic Subject: Bezovo and Topical Subject: Soviet Union
- Publisher:
- Главное управление геодезии и картографии при СНК СССР
- Language:
- Russian
- Date Created:
- 1941
- Identifier:
- VAC9619-000002
- Genre:
- Topographic Maps and Military Maps
- Geographic Location:
- Coordinates: 59.6667, 32.5, 59.8333, 32.75
- Related URL:
- DataCORE Dataset Download:
- Abstract:
- Modern area represented: Bezovo, Russia
- Call Number:
- G7000 s50 .S68 sheet O-36-6-C
- Caption:
- Секретно,Captured map
- City:
- Безово (Bezovo)
- Copyright Holder:
- No Copyright - United States
- Country:
- State/Province:
- Ленинградская область (Leningrad oblast), РСФСР (RSFSR), Тихвинский район (Tikhvin district), and Волховский район (Volkhov district)
- Physical Description:
- Scale: 1:50,000
- Persistent URL:
- Provenance:
- DMA Topographic Center, Army Map Service Library, Library of Congress Geography & Map Division
- Description:
- 1939
- Subject:
- Topical Subject: Maps, Topical Subject: Soviet Union, and Geographic Subject: Prokshenitsy
- Publisher:
- Главное управление геодезии и картографии при СНК СССР
- Language:
- Russian
- Date Created:
- 1941
- Identifier:
- VAC9619-000008
- Genre:
- Topographic Maps and Military Maps
- Geographic Location:
- Coordinates: 59.8333, 32.75, 60, 33
- Related URL:
- DataCORE Dataset Download:
- Abstract:
- Modern area represented: Prokshenitsy, Russia
- Call Number:
- G7000 s50 .S68 sheet O-36-6-B
- Caption:
- Секретно,Captured map
- City:
- Прокшеницы (Prokshenitsy)
- Copyright Holder:
- No Copyright - United States
- Country:
- State/Province:
- Волховский район (Volkhov district), РСФСР (RSFSR), Ленинградская область (Leningrad oblast), and Тихвинский район (Tikhvin district)
- Physical Description:
- Scale: 1:50,000
- Persistent URL:
- Provenance:
- DMA Topographic Center, Army Map Service Library, Library of Congress Geography & Map Division
- Description:
- 1939
- Subject:
- Geographic Subject: Polyana and Topical Subject: Soviet Union
- Publisher:
- Главное управление геодезии и картографии при СНК СССР
- Language:
- Russian
- Date Created:
- 1939
- Identifier:
- VAC9619-000007
- Genre:
- Topographic Maps and Military Maps
- Geographic Location:
- Coordinates: 59.6667, 31.25, 59.8333, 31.5
- Related URL:
- DataCORE Dataset Download:
- Abstract:
- Modern area represented: Polyana, Russia
- Call Number:
- G7000 s50 .S68 sheet O-36-3-D
- City:
- Поляна (Polyana)
- Copyright Holder:
- No Copyright - United States
- Country:
- State/Province:
- Ленинградская область (Leningrad oblast), Мгинский район (Mginsky district), and РСФСР (RSFSR)
- Physical Description:
- Scale: 1:50,000
- Persistent URL:
- Provenance:
- Army Map Service Library, OMAHA, Library of Congress Geography & Map Division