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- Subject:
- Liturgy, Christian, Musical notation, Germany, Pen-flourished initial, Marginalia, Notable binding, Cadelle, and Processional
- Language:
- Latin
- Date Created:
- 15th century
- Rights Statement:
- Identifier:
- owu_010_001
- Table of Contents:
- Language: Latin. Supplied title: Sixteenth century index. Incipit: Tota pulcra fo. 63. Explicit: Introitus misse. Folio range: 1r ** Language: Latin. Supplie...
- Time Period:
- Second half of the 15th century
- Geographic Location:
- Southern Germany
- Abstract:
- An abridged Processional produced in Germany, perhaps near Augsburg, in the second half of the fifteenth century. Includes processional chants for the time b...
- Call Number:
- M2149 .L4 1400z
- Caption:
- Records created or enhanced by the Peripheral Manuscript Project’s Description team, led by Dr. Elizabeth K. Hebbard and Dr. Sarah L. Noonan.
- Physical Description:
- Physical type: Codex. Support material: Parchment. Extent: 151 + i. Collation: Q1-17 (8), Q18 (8, wanting 8), Q19 (8). Foliation - Pagination: Contemporary f...
- Persistent URL:
- Owning Institution:
- Ohio Wesleyan University Libraries Special Collections. Delaware, OH.
- Provenance:
- De Ricci records that this manuscript was sold in London (by Sotheby's) on July 11, 1894 in the Howell Wills sale to Maggs. Book plate of Emma Blanxius H...
- Bibliographic Citation:
- Ricci, Seymour de. Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada. 3 vols. New York: HWWilson, 1935. [P. 1969, no. 5]
- Subject:
- Marginalia, Breviary, Prayer book, France, Christian, Composite manuscript, Binding fragment, Germany, Pen-flourished initial, Puzzle initial, Liturgy, and O...
- Language:
- Latin
- Date Created:
- 11th century, 15th century, 16th century, 12th century, and 14th century
- Rights Statement:
- Identifier:
- owu_006_001
- Table of Contents:
- [OWU_006: Part 1, Antiphonal binding] Language: Latin. Incipit: [M-]//aria dei genitrix que cr//[-edidisti]. Explicit: perfecta sunt in te que dic[-ta] <....
- Time Period:
- 14th-16th centuries
- Geographic Location:
- Germany
- Abstract:
- Referred to as the "Nun's book," this liturgical and devotional manuscript (an Horae Diurnae) is affiliated with the Dominican order and was pr...
- Call Number:
- BX2000 .A2 1600z
- Caption:
- Records created or enhanced by the Peripheral Manuscript Project’s Description team, led by Dr. Elizabeth K. Hebbard and Dr. Sarah L. Noonan.
- Physical Description:
- [OWU_006: The Nun's Book] Physical type: Codex. Support material: Mixed. Extent: 293. Collation: Q1-20 (12), Q21 (10), Q22 (6), Q23-24 (10), Q25 (8), Q26...
- Persistent URL:
- Owning Institution:
- Ohio Wesleyan University Libraries Special Collections. Delaware, OH.
- Provenance:
- This codex was donated to Ohio Wesleyan University by Frank W. Gunsaulus in 1916.
- Bibliographic Citation:
- Ricci, Seymour de. Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada. 3 vols. New York: HWWilson, 1935. [P. 1968, no. 3]
- Subject:
- Liturgy, Gradual, Pen-flourished initial, Christian, Cadelle, Fragment, Spain, and Musical notation
- Language:
- Latin
- Date Created:
- 16th century
- Rights Statement:
- Identifier:
- owu_009_001
- Table of Contents:
- Language: Latin. Incipit: sanctum eius. Sevorum. Explicit: dominica . iiij . offertorium. Folio range: 152r-v
- Time Period:
- 16th century
- Geographic Location:
- Spain
- Abstract:
- Leaf from a sixteenth-century Spanish gradual (temporal). Includes chants for mass during the third Sunday after Easter, with the text on the verso also list...
- Caption:
- Records created or enhanced by the Peripheral Manuscript Project’s Description team, led by Dr. Elizabeth K. Hebbard and Dr. Sarah L. Noonan.
- Physical Description:
- Physical type: Fragment. Fragment type: Detached. Classification: Leaf (untrimmed). Support material: Parchment. Extent: 1. Foliation - Pagination: Arabic nu...
- Alternate Identifier:
- 1970.005 (Inventory Number)
- Persistent URL:
- Owning Institution:
- Ohio Wesleyan University Libraries Special Collections. Delaware, OH.
- Provenance:
- Unknown. Before being held by the Beeghly Library, this item was housed in Ohio Wesleyan University's Ross Art Museum.
- Subject:
- Cadelle, Treatise, Drawing, Illustration, Spain, and Christian
- Contributor:
- Diaz de Valleso, Juan, active 1561-2 (Scribe)
- Language:
- Spanish
- Date Created:
- 16th century
- Rights Statement:
- Identifier:
- owu_008_001
- Table of Contents:
- Scribe: Diaz de Valleso, Juan, active 1561-2 ** Language: Spanish. Scribal title: Regla de la sancta misericordia de nostro senor ihesu christo E de al limpi...
- Time Period:
- 1561-1562
- Geographic Location:
- Cordoba, Spain
- Abstract:
- This manuscript contains the rules of a religious organization named Sancta Misericordia in Cordoba, Spain. The opening rubric dates the volume to 1561 (fol....
- Call Number:
- BX 890 .V35 R44 1561
- Caption:
- Records created or enhanced by the Peripheral Manuscript Project’s Description team, led by Dr. Elizabeth K. Hebbard and Dr. Sarah L. Noonan.
- Physical Description:
- Physical type: Codex. Support material: Mixed. Extent: 56. Collation: Q1 (2: +3), Q2 (2), Q3 (2: +3), Q4-6 (4), Q7-8 (2), Q9-13 (4), Q14-15 (6). Foliation - ...
- Persistent URL:
- Owning Institution:
- Ohio Wesleyan University Libraries Special Collections. Delaware, OH.
- Provenance:
- Produced in Cordoba between 1561 and 1562. Inscription dated to 1789 of Carlos Rusconi Comisano de Gena on fol. 5v. Owned by N. Watts (Surrey, England) in 19...
- Subject:
- Fragment, Bible, Scripture, Christian, France, and Pen-flourished initial
- Language:
- Latin
- Date Created:
- 13th century
- Rights Statement:
- Identifier:
- owu_003_001
- Table of Contents:
- Language: Latin. Incipit: // Et tenens arcum non stabit et velox pedibus suis non salvabitur. Explicit: germinantium serotini ymbris . et ecce serotinus //. ...
- Time Period:
- Circa 1250
- Geographic Location:
- France
- Abstract:
- Leaf from a thirteenth-century Bible produced in France. The text comprises Amos 2:15-7:1.
- Caption:
- Records created or enhanced by the Peripheral Manuscript Project’s Description team, led by Dr. Elizabeth K. Hebbard and Dr. Sarah L. Noonan.
- Physical Description:
- Physical type: Fragment. Fragment type: Detached. Classification: Leaf (untrimmed). Support material: Parchment. Extent: 1. Page dimensions (in mm): 187 x 12...
- Alternate Identifier:
- 1970.002 (Inventory Number)
- Persistent URL:
- Owning Institution:
- Ohio Wesleyan University Libraries Special Collections. Delaware, OH.
- Provenance:
- Unknown. Before being held by the Beegly Library, this item was housed in Ohio Wesleyan University's Ross Art Museum. On the verso, along the upper, righ...
- Subject:
- Flanders, Fragment, Devotion, Christian, Book of Hours, Illumination, Border, and France
- Language:
- Latin
- Date Created:
- 15th century
- Rights Statement:
- Identifier:
- owu_004_001
- Table of Contents:
- Language: Latin. Incipit: Qui emittit eloquium suum terre: velociter currit sermo eius. Explicit: ad futurum seculum non desi//[-nam]. Folio range: [1]r-v **...
- Time Period:
- Second quarter of the 15th century
- Geographic Location:
- France or Flanders
- Abstract:
- Two leaves from a French or Flemish Book of Hours produced during the second quarter of the fifteenth century. The text comprises a portion of the Hours of t...
- Call Number:
- BX2080.A1 H62 1500
- Caption:
- Records created or enhanced by the Peripheral Manuscript Project’s Description team, led by Dr. Elizabeth K. Hebbard and Dr. Sarah L. Noonan.
- Physical Description:
- Physical type: Fragment. Fragment type: Detached. Classification: Leaf (untrimmed). Support material: Parchment. Extent: 2. Page dimensions (in mm): 128 x 90...
- Persistent URL:
- Owning Institution:
- Ohio Wesleyan University Libraries Special Collections. Delaware, OH.
- Provenance:
- Donated by Dr. Charles Weis, emeritus faculty member of English at Ohio Wesleyan University, to the Beeghly Library in 2016. Weis was gifted these leaves by ...
- Subject:
- Pen-flourished initial, Italy, Christian, Collectar, Illumination, Liturgy, Historiated initial, Notable binding, Heraldry, and Original binding
- Contributor:
- Fulchinis, Sigismund de, active 2nd half of 15th c. (Former owner) and Pecannis, M. Genesium de, active 2nd half 15th c. (Scribe)
- Language:
- Latin
- Date Created:
- 15th century
- Rights Statement:
- Identifier:
- owu_001_001
- Table of Contents:
- te protegente secura . per dominus. Folio range: 43r-43v ** Language: Latin. Supplied title: Chapter and collect for Terce on non-festal ("private"...
- Time Period:
- Circa 1470
- Geographic Location:
- Italy
- Abstract:
- formulas for blessings, Referred to as the Festive Collectarium of Abbot Sigismund de Fulchinis, this volume was written by the scribe M. Genesium de Pecanni...
- Call Number:
- Archives BX 2049.C5 O73 1400z
- Caption:
- Records created or enhanced by the Peripheral Manuscript Project’s Description team, led by Dr. Elizabeth K. Hebbard and Dr. Sarah L. Noonan.
- Physical Description:
- Physical type: Codex. Support material: Parchment. Extent: 60. Collation: 1 + Q1-6 (10) + 1. Foliation - Pagination: Contemporary foliation in red roman nume...
- Persistent URL:
- Owning Institution:
- Ohio Wesleyan University Libraries Special Collections. Delaware, OH.
- Provenance:
- The colophon on fol. 58r associates the volume with the Cistercian monastery of Santa Maria Vallis Serena, diocese of Parma, in Northern Italy, also called S...
- Bibliographic Citation:
- Ricci, Seymour de. Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada. 3 vols. New York: HWWilson, 1935. [P. 1968, no. 2] and The...
- Subject:
- Illumination, Liturgy, Christian, Pen-flourished initial, Fragment, France, and Collectar
- Language:
- Latin
- Date Created:
- 15th century and 14th century
- Rights Statement:
- Identifier:
- owu_005_001
- Table of Contents:
- Language: Latin. Incipit: // ut quorum patrocinia sine intermissione recolimus perpetua defensione sentiamus. Explicit: Accinxerunt fortitu//[-dine]. Folio r...
- Time Period:
- Late 14th century / early 15th century
- Geographic Location:
- France
- Abstract:
- Leaf from a late fourteenth- / early fifteenth-century Collectar produced in northern France.
- Call Number:
- Z239.G72 S38 1939
- Caption:
- Records created or enhanced by the Peripheral Manuscript Project’s Description team, led by Dr. Elizabeth K. Hebbard and Dr. Sarah L. Noonan.
- Physical Description:
- Physical type: Fragment. Fragment type: Detached. Classification: Leaf (untrimmed). Support material: Parchment. Extent: 1. Page dimensions (in mm): 245 x 17...
- Persistent URL:
- Owning Institution:
- Ohio Wesleyan University Libraries Special Collections. Delaware, OH.
- Provenance:
- This leaf was sold as a part of the book: Schulz, H. C.The Gothic Script of the Middle Ages. San Franciso: Grabhorn Press for David Magee, December 1939. Sev...
- Subject:
- Christian, Marginalia, Scripture, Bible, Germany, and Paper
- Language:
- Latin
- Date Created:
- 15th century
- Rights Statement:
- Identifier:
- owu_002_001
- Table of Contents:
- Language: Latin. Scribal title: Incipit epistola sancti Jeromini presbiteri ad paulinum de omnibus diuine hystorie libris et sequitur Capitulum primum. Incip...
- Time Period:
- Second half of the 15th century
- Geographic Location:
- Germany
- Abstract:
- Old Testament, with prologues, produced in Germany on paper in the second half of the fifteenth century (paper stock suggests a production date post-1471). T...
- Call Number:
- BS1203 .B5
- Caption:
- Records created or enhanced by the Peripheral Manuscript Project’s Description team, led by Dr. Elizabeth K. Hebbard and Dr. Sarah L. Noonan.
- Physical Description:
- Physical type: Codex. Support material: Paper (material). Extent: iv + 405 + iii. Collation: Q1-Q33 (12), Q34 (10: -10). Watermarks: Briquet 14856 (bulls hea...
- Persistent URL:
- Owning Institution:
- Ohio Wesleyan University Libraries Special Collections. Delaware, OH.
- Provenance:
- On fol. 1r is written "Maiores Ursinensis Bibliothica," suggesting that this volume was once a part of the collection of the Benedictine Abbey of I...
- Bibliographic Citation:
- Ricci, Seymour de. Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada. 3 vols. New York: HWWilson, 1935. [P. 1968, no. 1]
- Subject:
- Italy, Missing leaves, Liturgy, Puzzle initial, Fragment, Illumination, Pen-flourished initial, Christian, Science, Treatise, Historiated initial, and Antiph...
- Language:
- Latin
- Date Created:
- 14th century and 15th century
- Rights Statement:
- Identifier:
- owu_007_001
- Table of Contents:
- Language: Latin. Scribal title: In uesperis sabati sancti sanctam comunionem sacerdotis in missa statim cantatur in choro. Incipit: Alleluya, alleluya, allel...
- Time Period:
- Late 14th / early 15th century
- Geographic Location:
- Northern Italy
- Abstract:
- Italian Antiphonal produced in the late thirteenth or early fourteenth century in Italy, likely near Bologna. Contents include music for the singing of the d...
- Call Number:
- M2149 .L4 1400
- Caption:
- Records created or enhanced by the Peripheral Manuscript Project’s Description team, led by Dr. Elizabeth K. Hebbard and Dr. Sarah L. Noonan.
- Physical Description:
- Physical type: Codex. Support material: Parchment. Extent: 1+ 274. Collation: Q1-4 (10), Q5 (10: -10), Q6-10 (10), Q11 (1), Q12 (12: -1, -2), Q13 (10), Q14 (...
- Persistent URL:
- Owning Institution:
- Ohio Wesleyan University Libraries Special Collections. Delaware, OH.
- Provenance:
- Inside the front cover is the bookplate of "George Dunn of Woolley Hall near Maidenhead." De Ricci indicates that the manuscript was purchased by G...
- Bibliographic Citation:
- Ricci, Seymour de. Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada. 3 vols. New York: HWWilson, 1935. [P. 1968-9, no. 4] and S...
- Subject:
- Christian, France, Fragment, Biblical, Treatise, and Pen-flourished initial
- Creator:
- Peter Comestor, active 12th century
- Language:
- Latin
- Date Created:
- 13th century and 14th century
- Rights Statement:
- Identifier:
- goc_003_001
- Table of Contents:
- Author: Peter Comestor, active 12th century ** Language: Latin. Scribal title: de gedeone. Incipit: // ab ylo conditum. Miletus condita. Fecerunt iterum fili...
- Time Period:
- Second half of 13th or first half of 14th century
- Geographic Location:
- France?
- Abstract:
- In situ binding fragments of Peter Comestor's Historia Scholastica. The larger visible fragment includes the end of Historia libri Judicum, Capitulum VII...
- Call Number:
- Rare book unaccessioned (Wegweiser M. 33. 15. 4)
- Caption:
- Records created or enhanced by the Peripheral Manuscript Project’s Description team, led by Dr. Elizabeth K. Hebbard and Dr. Sarah L. Noonan.
- Physical Description:
- Physical type: Fragment. Fragment type: In situ. Classification: Cover. Support material: Parchment. Extent: 1. Page dimensions (in mm): 298 x 195. Written a...
- Persistent URL:
- Owning Institution:
- Mennonite Historical Library Special Collections. Goshen College. Goshen, IN.
- Provenance:
- The fragments are found in a manuscript copied in Vienna in 1663. The manuscript was purchased by Goshen College in October 1985 from A. Rosenthal Ltd. The i...
- Subject:
- Pen-flourished initial, Spain, Liturgy, Puzzle initial, Inhabited initial, Binding fragment, Mass book, Christian, and Notable binding
- Creator:
- Catholic Church
- Date Created:
- 15th century and 16th century
- Rights Statement:
- Identifier:
- iwu_001_001
- Table of Contents:
- [IWU_001: Part 1, Front Pastedown] Language: Latin. Incipit: // discussio ue-. Explicit: in matutinis meditabor in te. quia fuisti adiutor meus. Et in uelame...
- Time Period:
- pastedowns late 15th century or 16th century and 16th century
- Geographic Location:
- Spain
- Abstract:
- A sixteenth-century Spanish Gradual containing music for Sunday masses from the first Sunday of Advent to Easter Sunday. The final quire of the gradual appea...
- Call Number:
- M2153.2 .C38 1500z
- Caption:
- Records created or enhanced by the Peripheral Manuscript Project’s Description team, led by Dr. Elizabeth K. Hebbard and Dr. Sarah L. Noonan.
- Physical Description:
- [IWU_001: Gradual codex] Physical type: Codex. Support material: Parchment. Extent: 141. Collation: Q1-3 (8), Q4 (10), Q5-13 (8), Q14 (10: -10), Q15-16 (8), ...
- Persistent URL:
- Owning Institution:
- Illinois Wesleyan University Ames Library Tate Archives & Special Collections. Bloomington, IL.
- Provenance:
- In Illinois Wesleyan University's collection by the 1950s. Its prior provenance is unknown.
- Subject:
- Fragment, Illumination, Christian, Book of Hours, Devotion, Pen-flourished initial, and France
- Language:
- Latin
- Date Created:
- 15th century
- Rights Statement:
- Identifier:
- iwu_004_001
- Table of Contents:
- Language: Latin. Incipit: // eius aut filius hominis quoniam visitas eum. Explicit: Desiderabilia super aurum et lapidem preciosum multum et dulciora super m...
- Time Period:
- 15th century
- Geographic Location:
- France
- Abstract:
- Leaf from a fifteenth-century Book of Hours produced in France. Section of text from the Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Matins). Includes Psalm 8:5-10 and...
- Call Number:
- 174/18
- Caption:
- Records created or enhanced by the Peripheral Manuscript Project’s Description team, led by Dr. Elizabeth K. Hebbard and Dr. Sarah L. Noonan.
- Physical Description:
- Physical type: Fragment. Fragment type: Detached. Classification: Leaf (untrimmed). Support material: Parchment. Extent: 1. Page dimensions (in mm): 177 x 12...
- Alternate Identifier:
- Schultz leaf (Item title)
- Persistent URL:
- Owning Institution:
- Illinois Wesleyan University Ames Library Tate Archives & Special Collections. Bloomington, IL.
- Provenance:
- This leaf was donated to Illinois Wesleyan University in the late 1990s by June Schultz (IWU class of 1944), daughter of William Eben Schulz. W. E. Schulz wa...
- Subject:
- England, Christian, France, Biblical, Bible, Marginalia, Pen-flourished initial, and Fragment
- Language:
- Latin
- Date Created:
- 13th century
- Rights Statement:
- Identifier:
- iwu_005_001
- Table of Contents:
- Language: Latin. Incipit: // perduxerunt in forum ad principes et offerentes eos magistratibus. Explicit: partibus ueniret ephesum et inueniret quosdam de di...
- Time Period:
- First half of 13th century
- Geographic Location:
- England or France
- Abstract:
- Leaf from a thirteenth-century Bible of English or French origin. Text comprises Acts 16:19-19:2. Several marginal notes written on the recto and verso. Runn...
- Call Number:
- ND2930 .M43, leaf 1
- Caption:
- Records created or enhanced by the Peripheral Manuscript Project’s Description team, led by Dr. Elizabeth K. Hebbard and Dr. Sarah L. Noonan.
- Physical Description:
- Physical type: Fragment. Fragment type: Detached. Classification: Leaf (untrimmed). Support material: Parchment. Extent: 1. Page dimensions (in mm): 177 x 11...
- Persistent URL:
- Owning Institution:
- Illinois Wesleyan University Ames Library Tate Archives & Special Collections. Bloomington, IL.
- Provenance:
- A modern pencil inscription on the recto of the leaf reads "26-233" and another on the verso, in a different hand, reads "SC-44." Leaf 1 ...
- Subject:
- Christian, Fragment, Spain, Antiphonal, Musical notation, and Liturgy
- Language:
- Latin
- Date Created:
- 17th century and 16th century
- Rights Statement:
- Identifier:
- iwu_003_001
- Table of Contents:
- Language: Latin. Scribal title: In festo Cathedre Sancti Petri, qua Rome primum sedit. Duplex Ad Vesperas. Hymnus. Incipit: //Quodcunque in orbe nexibus revi...
- Time Period:
- Late 16th century or first half of 17th century
- Geographic Location:
- Spain
- Abstract:
- Leaf from the sanctoral of a Spanish antiphonal from the late sixteenth century or first half of the seventeenth century. Contains the hymn, "Quodcunque...
- Call Number:
- M2014.6 .D54
- Caption:
- Records created or enhanced by the Peripheral Manuscript Project’s Description team, led by Dr. Elizabeth K. Hebbard and Dr. Sarah L. Noonan.
- Physical Description:
- Physical type: Fragment. Fragment type: Detached. Classification: Leaf (untrimmed). Support material: Parchment. Extent: 1. Foliation - Pagination: Contempor...
- Persistent URL:
- Owning Institution:
- Illinois Wesleyan University Ames Library Tate Archives & Special Collections. Bloomington, IL.
- Provenance:
- Provenance unknown. Found in an Illinois Wesleyan University storage closet in summer 2018.
- Subject:
- Christian, Scroll-work initial, Pen-flourished initial, Italy, Spain, Cadelle, Puzzle initial, Fragment, Musical notation, and Antiphonal
- Language:
- Latin
- Date Created:
- 16th century
- Rights Statement:
- Identifier:
- iwu_002_001
- Table of Contents:
- Language: Latin. Scribal title: In die sancte ... ad vesperas sup//. Incipit: //Se [...]. Explicit: minosa pices le-//. Folio range: [1]r-v
- Time Period:
- 16th century
- Geographic Location:
- Spain or Italy
- Abstract:
- A cutting from a 16th-century Spanish or Italian antiphonal. Unidentified antiphon to be used during vespers, the evening prayer of the Divine Office. Paper ...
- Call Number:
- IM-3052
- Caption:
- Records created or enhanced by the Peripheral Manuscript Project’s Description team, led by Dr. Elizabeth K. Hebbard and Dr. Sarah L. Noonan.
- Physical Description:
- Physical type: Fragment. Fragment type: Detached. Classification: Cutting. Support material: Parchment. Page dimensions (in mm): 300 x 235. Script: Gothic. S...
- Persistent URL:
- Owning Institution:
- Illinois Wesleyan University Ames Library Tate Archives & Special Collections. Bloomington, IL.
- Provenance:
- The provenance of this cutting can be traced back to the late 1990s, when it was held by Bruce Ferrini (a manuscript dealer). It was bought by Charles Pucke ...
- Subject:
- Christian, Psalter-Hours, Pen-flourished initial, Fragment, France, Devotion, and Illumination
- Language:
- Latin
- Date Created:
- 14th century
- Rights Statement:
- Identifier:
- iwu_007_001
- Table of Contents:
- Language: Latin. Incipit: // uultus mei et deus meus. Explicit: Iudica me deus et discerne //. Folio range: [1]r-v
- Time Period:
- Circa 1325
- Geographic Location:
- France
- Abstract:
- Leaf from a French Psalter-Hours produced circa 1325. Text comprises Psalm 41:6-12 and Psalm 42:1. Another leaf from the same manuscript is held by Loyola Ma...
- Call Number:
- ND2930 .M43, leaf 3
- Caption:
- Records created or enhanced by the Peripheral Manuscript Project’s Description team, led by Dr. Elizabeth K. Hebbard and Dr. Sarah L. Noonan.
- Physical Description:
- Physical type: Fragment. Fragment type: Detached. Classification: Leaf (untrimmed). Support material: Parchment. Extent: 1. Page dimensions (in mm): 100 x 77...
- Persistent URL:
- Owning Institution:
- Illinois Wesleyan University Ames Library Tate Archives & Special Collections. Bloomington, IL.
- Provenance:
- A modern pencil inscription in the bottom margin of the recto reads "VM 1754." Leaf 3 of the IWU Lamson collection. This set of nine leaves was gif...
- Subject:
- Italy, Marginalia, Treatise, Fragment, Theology, Christian, and Pen-flourished initial
- Creator:
- Peter Lombard, Bishop of Paris, approximately 1100-1160
- Language:
- Latin
- Date Created:
- 13th century
- Rights Statement:
- Identifier:
- iwu_006_001
- Table of Contents:
- Author: Peter Lombard, Bishop of Paris, approximately 1100-1160 ** Language: Latin. Modern title: Sententiae. Incipit: // integer totus in celo. Explicit: et...
- Time Period:
- Circa 1250
- Geographic Location:
- Northern Italy?
- Abstract:
- A leaf from a mid thirteenth-century copy of Peter Lombard's Sentences. Text comprises Book 4, Distinction 12, Chapters 5-7 of that work. A second hand a...
- Call Number:
- ND2930 .M43, leaf 2
- Caption:
- Records created or enhanced by the Peripheral Manuscript Project’s Description team, led by Dr. Elizabeth K. Hebbard and Dr. Sarah L. Noonan.
- Physical Description:
- Physical type: Fragment. Fragment type: Detached. Classification: Leaf (untrimmed). Support material: Parchment. Extent: 1. Foliation - Pagination: Modern fo...
- Persistent URL:
- Owning Institution:
- Illinois Wesleyan University Ames Library Tate Archives & Special Collections. Bloomington, IL.
- Provenance:
- A modern pencil inscription of the recto of the leaf reads "VM4533." Leaf 2 of the IWU Lamson collection. This set of nine leaves was gifted to Ill...
- Bibliographic Citation:
- Migne, J.-P. Patrologia Latina database the full text database. Web edition. Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest Information and Learning Company, 1996. [Vol. 192, cols....
- Subject:
- Italy, Manicules, Bible, Christian, Biblical, Marginalia, Pen-flourished initial, and Fragment
- Language:
- Latin
- Date Created:
- 13th century
- Rights Statement:
- Identifier:
- iwu_008_001
- Table of Contents:
- Language: Latin. Incipit: // fatiam reliquiis populi huius dicit dominus exercituum. Explicit: et capietur ciuitas. et va//[-stabuntur]. Folio range: [1]r-v
- Time Period:
- Circa 1280
- Geographic Location:
- Bologna?, Italy
- Abstract:
- Leaf from a thirteenth-century portable Italian bible, possibly written in Bologna. Text comprises Zachariah 8:11-14:2. Running head reads "Zacharirias....
- Call Number:
- ND2930 .M43, leaf 4
- Caption:
- Records created or enhanced by the Peripheral Manuscript Project’s Description team, led by Dr. Elizabeth K. Hebbard and Dr. Sarah L. Noonan.
- Physical Description:
- Physical type: Fragment. Fragment type: Detached. Classification: Leaf (untrimmed). Support material: Parchment. Extent: 1. Page dimensions (in mm): 159 x 11...
- Persistent URL:
- Owning Institution:
- Illinois Wesleyan University Ames Library Tate Archives & Special Collections. Bloomington, IL.
- Provenance:
- A modern pencil inscription in the bottom left margin of the verso reads "35-20" and another in the bottom right margin reads "GX-27." Le...
- Subject:
- Italy, Fragment, Devotion, Illumination, Rinceau, Christian, Pen-flourished initial, and Psalter-Hours
- Language:
- Latin
- Date Created:
- 15th century
- Rights Statement:
- Identifier:
- iwu_009_001
- Table of Contents:
- Language: Latin. Incipit: // gentibus. antiphon: Exultate in deo adiutori nostro. Explicit: Deus meus pone illos ut rotam: et sicut stipulam //. Folio range:...
- Time Period:
- First half of the 15th century
- Geographic Location:
- Italy
- Abstract:
- Leaf from an Italian Book of Hours, dating from the early fifteenth century. The text begins with the final word of Psalm 81, followed by two antiphons (refe...
- Call Number:
- ND2930 .M43, leaf 5
- Caption:
- Records created or enhanced by the Peripheral Manuscript Project’s Description team, led by Dr. Elizabeth K. Hebbard and Dr. Sarah L. Noonan.
- Physical Description:
- Physical type: Fragment. Fragment type: Detached. Classification: Leaf (untrimmed). Support material: Parchment. Extent: 1. Page dimensions (in mm): 135 x 10...
- Persistent URL:
- Owning Institution:
- Illinois Wesleyan University Ames Library Tate Archives & Special Collections. Bloomington, IL.
- Provenance:
- A modern pencil inscription on the verso reads "VM 3300." Leaf 5 of the IWU Lamson collection. This set of nine leaves was gifted to Illinois Wesle...
- Subject:
- Book of Hours, Devotion, Christian, Fragment, Pen-flourished initial, and Netherlands
- Language:
- Dutch, Middle
- Date Created:
- 15th century
- Rights Statement:
- Identifier:
- iwu_010_001
- Table of Contents:
- Language: Dutch, Middle. Incipit: // ende doet of mijn boesheit God sceppe in mi een reyn hert. Explicit: Vander stemme mijns suchtens: anhinc mijn ghebeente...
- Time Period:
- Second half of the 15th century
- Geographic Location:
- Delft, Netherlands
- Abstract:
- A leaf from a fifteenth-century Dutch Book of Hours, bearing Geert Grote's translation of Psalms 50 and 101. The decoration on this leaf suggests an orig...
- Call Number:
- ND2930 .M43, leaf 6
- Caption:
- Records created or enhanced by the Peripheral Manuscript Project’s Description team, led by Dr. Elizabeth K. Hebbard and Dr. Sarah L. Noonan.
- Physical Description:
- Physical type: Fragment. Fragment type: Detached. Classification: Leaf (untrimmed). Support material: Parchment. Foliation - Pagination: Modern foliation add...
- Persistent URL:
- Owning Institution:
- Illinois Wesleyan University Ames Library Tate Archives & Special Collections. Bloomington, IL.
- Provenance:
- A modern pencil inscription on the bottom left recto reads "GCH-15" and another on the bottom right reads "VM5405." This leaf is likely f...
- Bibliographic Citation:
- Grote, Geert. Het Getijdenboek van Geert Grote. Edited by N. Van Wijk. Leiden: Brill Archive, 1940. and Rudy, Kathryn M. Piety in Pieces. Open Book Publisher...
- Subject:
- Christian, Rinceau, Book of Hours, Devotion, Fragment, and France
- Language:
- Latin
- Date Created:
- 15th century
- Rights Statement:
- Identifier:
- iwu_011_001
- Table of Contents:
- Language: Latin. Incipit: [no-]//stra ut pura pectora sint et corpora. Explicit: beata maria semper uirgine intercedente fac //. Folio range: 225r-v
- Time Period:
- Second half of the 15th century
- Geographic Location:
- France
- Abstract:
- Leaf from a Book of Hours produced in France during the fifteenth century. The text comprises a section of the Hours of the Virgin. Loyola Marymount Universi...
- Call Number:
- ND2930 .M43, leaf 7
- Caption:
- Records created or enhanced by the Peripheral Manuscript Project’s Description team, led by Dr. Elizabeth K. Hebbard and Dr. Sarah L. Noonan.
- Physical Description:
- Physical type: Fragment. Fragment type: Detached. Classification: Leaf (untrimmed). Support material: Parchment. Extent: 1. Foliation - Pagination: Modern fo...
- Persistent URL:
- Owning Institution:
- Illinois Wesleyan University Ames Library Tate Archives & Special Collections. Bloomington, IL.
- Provenance:
- A modern pencil inscription on the bottom right recto reads "39-196." Leaf 7 of the IWU Lamson collection. This set of nine leaves was gifted to Il...
- Subject:
- Fragment, Italy, Pen-flourished initial, Christian, Liturgy, and Breviary
- Language:
- Latin
- Date Created:
- 15th century
- Rights Statement:
- Identifier:
- iwu_012_001
- Table of Contents:
- Language: Latin. Incipit: // locutus est ad me unus de septem angelis dicens. ueni ostendam tibi. Explicit: Eratis enim sicut oves errantes, sed conversi est...
- Time Period:
- Second half of the 15th century
- Geographic Location:
- Italy
- Abstract:
- Leaf from a fifteenth-century Italian breviary with readings for the first Sunday after the Octave of Easter. Dealer's description suggests that this vol...
- Call Number:
- ND2930 .M43, leaf 8
- Caption:
- Records created or enhanced by the Peripheral Manuscript Project’s Description team, led by Dr. Elizabeth K. Hebbard and Dr. Sarah L. Noonan.
- Physical Description:
- Physical type: Fragment. Fragment type: Detached. Classification: Leaf (untrimmed). Support material: Parchment. Extent: 1. Page dimensions (in mm): 138 x 10...
- Persistent URL:
- Owning Institution:
- Illinois Wesleyan University Ames Library Tate Archives & Special Collections. Bloomington, IL.
- Provenance:
- A modern pencil inscription on the bottom left recto reads "5BV-98" and another on the bottom right verso reads "32-136." Leaf 8 of the I...
- Subject:
- Liturgy, Christian, Musical notation, France, Fragment, and Sequentiary
- Language:
- Latin
- Date Created:
- 16th century
- Rights Statement:
- Identifier:
- iwu_013_001
- Table of Contents:
- Language: Latin. Incipit: // autem barrabas latro. Tunc ergo apprehendit pylatus iesum. Explicit: Ecce adduco eum vobis foras: vt cognoscatis quia in eo null...
- Time Period:
- Circa 1550
- Geographic Location:
- France
- Abstract:
- A leaf from a French sequentiary. The text comes from John 18:40-19:4, a passage that describes the passion of Christ. Another leaf from the same manuscript ...
- Call Number:
- ND2930 .M43, leaf 9
- Caption:
- Records created or enhanced by the Peripheral Manuscript Project’s Description team, led by Dr. Elizabeth K. Hebbard and Dr. Sarah L. Noonan.
- Physical Description:
- Physical type: Fragment. Fragment type: Detached. Classification: Leaf (untrimmed). Support material: Parchment. Extent: 1. Foliation - Pagination: Modern fo...
- Persistent URL:
- Owning Institution:
- Illinois Wesleyan University Ames Library Tate Archives & Special Collections. Bloomington, IL.
- Provenance:
- A modern pencil inscription on the bottom right verso reads "31-103." Leaf 9 of the IWU Lamson collection. This set of nine leaves was gifted to Il...
- Subject:
- Binding fragment, Fragment, Theology, Treatise, Christian, and France
- Creator:
- Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 1225?-1274
- Language:
- Latin
- Date Created:
- 15th century
- Rights Statement:
- Identifier:
- iwu_014_001
- Table of Contents:
- Author: Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 1225?-1274 ** Language: Latin. Modern title: In quarto sententiarum. Incipit: [scan-]//dala. Sed eterna dampnatio. Explicit: &...
- Time Period:
- First half of the 15th century
- Geographic Location:
- France
- Abstract:
- A leaf used as a wrapper over the pasteboard covers of a 1680 edition of Orazio Torsellino, Epitome historiarum. The leaf is from a fifteenth-century French ...
- Call Number:
- D18 .T67 1680
- Caption:
- Records created or enhanced by the Peripheral Manuscript Project’s Description team, led by Dr. Elizabeth K. Hebbard and Dr. Sarah L. Noonan.
- Physical Description:
- Physical type: Fragment. Fragment type: In situ. Classification: Wrapper. Support material: Parchment. Extent: 1. Page dimensions (in mm): 130 (trimmed) x 20...
- Persistent URL:
- Owning Institution:
- Illinois Wesleyan University Ames Library Tate Archives & Special Collections. Bloomington, IL.
- Provenance:
- The name "Jacob Nipher (?) Laurd" is written inside the front cover of the book. No other provenance information available. The fragment is wrapped...
- Bibliographic Citation:
- Bourke, Vernon J, ed. Sancti Thomae Aquinatis Doctoris Angelici Ordinis Praedicatorum Opera Omnia?: Secundum Impressionem Petri Fiaccadori Parmae 1852-1873 P...
- Subject:
- Pen-flourished initial, Gloss, Fragment, Binding fragment, and Italy
- Language:
- Italian and Latin
- Date Created:
- 14th century
- Rights Statement:
- Identifier:
- iwu_015_001
- Table of Contents:
- Language: Latin, Language: Italian. Folio range: Four strips
- Time Period:
- Second or third quarter of the 14th century
- Geographic Location:
- Italy
- Abstract:
- Four parchment strips serving to line the spine of a quarto Sammelband, the components of which were printed in Venice in 1580-81. The strips bear unidentifi...
- Call Number:
- B659 .D48 1580
- Caption:
- Records created or enhanced by the Peripheral Manuscript Project’s Description team, led by Dr. Elizabeth K. Hebbard and Dr. Sarah L. Noonan.
- Physical Description:
- Physical type: Fragment. Fragment type: In situ. Classification: Spine Lining. Support material: Parchment. Page dimensions (in mm): Strips are 65-70 in widt...
- Persistent URL:
- Owning Institution:
- Illinois Wesleyan University Ames Library Tate Archives & Special Collections. Bloomington, IL.
- Provenance:
- No provenance information available. The sammelband is comprised of: Ammonius, Hermiae. Commentaria in librum Porphyrii. Venetiis: apud Haeredem H. Scoti, 15...
- Description:
- Color, Pub. April 11, 1815, and Caption: Late Empress of France
- Creator:
- Publisher: R. Evans and Wallis, J.
- Date Created:
- 1815
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03200
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Josephine, Empress, consort of Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1763-1814
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Color
- Creator:
- Sartain, John and Wilkie, D., Sir
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03199
- Persons Pictured:
- Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821 and Pius VII, Pope, 1742-1823
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Colored print of Napoleon, mounted, leading soldiers
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03198
- Persons Pictured:
- Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Caption: Medallion portrait, colored, of Napoleon 1812
- Creator:
- Longhi, G.
- Date Created:
- 1812
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03197
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- For Giffords History of the War. London and Color
- Creator:
- Publisher: S. A. Oddy Ivy Lane, Bocquet, and David
- Date Created:
- 1815
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03196
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- London
- Creator:
- Wallis, J., S. A. Oddy, Warwick Lane, Cristall, J., J. Goodwin, Ave Maria La. & Davies & Eldridge, Exeter, and Publisher: J. Wallis, Soho
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03195
- Persons Pictured:
- Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- London
- Creator:
- S. A. Oddy, Warwick Lane, Publisher: J. Wallis, Soho, J. Goodwin, Ave Maria La. and Davies & Eldridge, Exeter, J. Wallis, and J. Cristall
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03194
- Persons Pictured:
- Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Caption: "The Duke of Wellington now ordered the whole line to move forward…"
- Creator:
- Brooke, W. H. and Freeman
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03193
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Published by Feb. 1817 and Leeds
- Creator:
- Publisher: Edwd. Baines, Brook, and Edwards
- Date Created:
- 1817
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03192
- Persons Pictured:
- Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821 and Maitland, Frederick Lewis, 1777-1839
- Persistent URL:
- Creator:
- Delaroche, F. and Buttre, John Chester
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03191
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- From the picture in the royal collection, Caption: The last sketch of Delaroche, and London, James's Virtue
- Creator:
- Delaroche, F. and Sharpe, C. W.
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03190
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- London and Caption: on the arrival of Gen. Desaix
- Creator:
- Cristall, J., Wallis, J., J. Goodwin, Ave Maria La. And Davies & Eldridge, Exeter, Publisher: Jas. Wallis, Soho, and S. A. Oddy, Warwick Lane
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03189
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Miniature (medallion)
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03188
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821
- Persistent URL:
- Subject:
- U.S.--History--Civil War
- Creator:
- Publisher: American Publishing Co., Parsons, C., and Headley, J. T.
- Date Created:
- 1862
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03187
- Physical Description:
- 22 x 14 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Engraved expressly for Abbots Civil War
- Subject:
- U.S.--History--Civil War
- Creator:
- Nast, Thomas and McRae, J. C.
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03186
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Connecticut and Caption: Final Charge of the Union Forces at Cemetery Hill
- Subject:
- U.S.--History--Civil War
- Date Created:
- 1865
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03185
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Caption: Gov. G. Clinton. Gen. Gates. Gen. Schuyler. Gen. Montgomery. Gen J. Clinton. and Color
- Subject:
- U.S.--History--Revolution--Officers
- Creator:
- Rogers, J.
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03184
- Genre:
- Group portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Clinton, James, 1736-1812, Gates, Horatio, 1728-1806, Montgomery, Richard, 1738-1775, Schuyler, Philip John, 1733-1804, and Clinton, George, 1739-1812
- Physical Description:
- 22 x 15 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Color
- Creator:
- Peale, Charles Wilson, Rosenthal, Max, and Rosenthal, Albert
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03183
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Thomson, Charles, 1729-1824
- Physical Description:
- 22 x 15 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Caption: Marechal de France. 1706 - 1788
- Subject:
- du Plessis, Armand
- Creator:
- Quantin, A. and Rouselle
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03182
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Aiguillon, Emmanuel-Armand de Vignerot du Plessis de Richelieu, duc d', 1720-1788
- Physical Description:
- 15 x 10 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Proefdruk
- Creator:
- Claessens, L. A.
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03181
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Luckner, Nikolaus, Graf von, 1722-1794
- Physical Description:
- 21 x 13.5 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Caption: March 4th 1841, Location Code: m4, and Print Location: map case 4: U.S. Presidential Campaign, 1840
- Subject:
- Presidents--United States
- Creator:
- Childs, J. (John) and Publisher: J. Child's
- Date Created:
- 1841
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03178
- Genre:
- Political cartoons
- Persons Pictured:
- Van Buren, Martin, 1782-1862 and Harrison, William Henry, 1773-1841
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Print Location: map case 4: U.S. Presidential Campaign, 1840, "Van Buren's. By the Subtreasury and Spoils of Victory, we will take all Specie in our care to...
- Subject:
- Presidents--United States
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03174
- Genre:
- Lithographs
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Hand-colored
- Subject:
- Presidents--United States
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03168
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Jackson, Andrew, 1767-1845
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Print Location: map case 2: Battle at Sea: Battle of Lake Erie, Location Code: m2, and Hand-colored
- Subject:
- Lake Erie, Battle of, 1813
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03113
- Genre:
- Etchings
- Geographic Location:
- United States--History--War of 1812--Naval operations
- Physical Description:
- 41.9 x 52.1 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- "We have met the enemy and they are ours." Com. O.H. Perry., Caption: Perry's Victory on Lake Erie. Fought Sept. 10th 1813, Print Location: map case 2: Battl...
- Subject:
- Lake Erie, Battle of, 1813
- Creator:
- Publisher: J. Baillie
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03110
- Genre:
- Lithographs
- Geographic Location:
- United States--History--War of 1812--Naval operations
- Persons Pictured:
- Perry, Oliver Hazard, 1785-1819
- Physical Description:
- 25 x 36 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Hand-colored, Print Location: map case 2: Battle at Sea: Battle of Lake Erie, and Location Code: m2
- Subject:
- Lake Erie, Battle of, 1813
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03109
- Genre:
- Lithographs
- Geographic Location:
- United States--History--War of 1812--Naval operations
- Persons Pictured:
- Perry, Oliver Hazard, 1785-1819
- Physical Description:
- 22 x 30 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Caption: Battle of Lake Erie. "If a Victory is to be gained, I'll gain it." Oliver H. Perry, Engraved by T. Philhbrown, Location Code: m2, and Print Location...
- Subject:
- Lake Erie, Battle of, 1813
- Creator:
- Powell, W. H. (William Henry), 1823-1879
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03108
- Genre:
- Engravings
- Geographic Location:
- United States--History--War of 1812--Naval operations
- Persons Pictured:
- Perry, Oliver Hazard, 1785-1819
- Physical Description:
- 18.5 x 25 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Caption: The Constitution and Guerriere. Fought August 19th 1812, Location Code: m2, and Print Location: map case 2: Battle at Sea: Ships of Battle
- Subject:
- Constitution (Frigate)
- Creator:
- Publisher: Sowle & Shaw
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03106
- Genre:
- Lithographs
- Geographic Location:
- United States--History--War of 1812--Naval operations
- Physical Description:
- 23.5 x 31.5 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Print Location: map case 2: Battle at Sea: Ships of Battle, Caption: Constitution and Java. Fought Dec. 29 1812. The Constitution had 9 killed & 25 wound...
- Subject:
- Constitution (Frigate)
- Creator:
- Publisher: N. Currier and Currier, Nathaniel, 1813-1888
- Date Created:
- 1846
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03105
- Genre:
- Lithographs
- Geographic Location:
- United States--History--War of 1812--Naval operations
- Physical Description:
- 28.5 x 34 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Caption: The Capture of H.B.M. Sloop of War Frolic by the U.S. Sloop of War Wasp, Print Location: map case 2: Battle at Sea: Ships of Battle, and Location Co...
- Subject:
- Capture at sea
- Creator:
- Publisher: Risso
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03104
- Genre:
- Lithographs
- Geographic Location:
- United States--History--War of 1812--Naval operations
- Physical Description:
- 25.5 x 35.5 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Caption: A View of Winchester in North America. Dedicated to Mr. President Madison, 2 copies, Depiction of Wyandot Chief Roundhead presenting Gen. Winchester...
- Subject:
- Wyandot Indians
- Creator:
- Publisher: S. Knight
- Date Created:
- 1813
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03089
- Genre:
- Etchings
- Geographic Location:
- United States--History--War of 1812
- Persons Pictured:
- Winchester, James, 1752-1826
- Physical Description:
- 23 x 34 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Print Location: map case 2: War of 1812, folder 2 and Location Code: m2
- Subject:
- Soldiers--United States--History--19th century
- Creator:
- Charles, William, 1776-1820
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03087
- Genre:
- Etchings
- Geographic Location:
- Buffalo (N.Y.)
- Physical Description:
- 26.5 x 36.5 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Location Code: m2, Caption: A Scene on the Frontiers as Practiced by the Humane British and their Worthy Allies, Print Location: map case 2: War of 1812, fol...
- Subject:
- Indians of North America--Wars--1812-1815
- Creator:
- Charles, William, 1776-1820
- Date Created:
- 1812
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03086
- Genre:
- Etchings
- Geographic Location:
- United States--History--War of 1812
- Physical Description:
- 25.5 x 36 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Print Location: map case 2: War of 1812, folder 2, colored., Location Code: m2, and Political cartoon
- Subject:
- U.S.--History--War of 1812
- Creator:
- Publisher: Pub. June 1st 1798 by S. W. Fores No. 50 Piccadilly.
- Date Created:
- 1798
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03085
- Physical Description:
- 26 x 43 cm
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Caption: The N. England Convention or the Prophecy of J. Henry Fulfilled, Print Location: map case 2: War of 1812, folder 2, Hand-colored, The Henry letters ...
- Subject:
- John Bull (Symbolic character)
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03083
- Genre:
- Engravings
- Geographic Location:
- United States--History--War of 1812
- Physical Description:
- 25 x 35.5 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Location Code: m2, Hand-colored, and Print Location: map case 2: War of 1812, folder 2
- Subject:
- Admiralty--England
- Creator:
- Cruikshank, George, fl. 1866-1894 and Publisher: Thomas Tegg & Co.
- Date Created:
- 1814
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03082
- Genre:
- Etchings
- Geographic Location:
- United States--History--War of 1812
- Persons Pictured:
- Croker, John Wilson, 1780-1857
- Physical Description:
- 24.5 x 35 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Location Code: m2, Print Location: map case 2: War of 1812, folder 1, Caption: Malignant Aspects looking with envy on John Bull and his Satelites, or A New P...
- Subject:
- John Bull (Symbolic character)
- Creator:
- Charles, William, 1776-1820 and Publisher: Thomas Tegg & Co.
- Date Created:
- 1807
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03081
- Genre:
- Etchings
- Geographic Location:
- United States--History--War of 1812
- Physical Description:
- 35 x 25 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Print Location: map case 2: War of 1812, folder 1, Hand-colored, Caption: John Bull making a new Batch of Ships to send to the Lakes, and Location Code: m2
- Subject:
- John Bull (Symbolic character)
- Creator:
- Charles, William, 1776-1820 and Publisher: Wm. Charles
- Date Created:
- 1814
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03079
- Genre:
- Etchings
- Geographic Location:
- United States--History--War of 1812
- Persons Pictured:
- George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820
- Physical Description:
- 25.5 x 35.5 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Print Location: map case 2: War of 1812, folder 1, Location Code: m2, Hand-colored, and Caption: The Ghost of a Dollar or the Bankers Surprize
- Subject:
- Banks and banking
- Creator:
- Charles, William, 1776-1820
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03076
- Genre:
- Etchings
- Persons Pictured:
- Girard, Stephen, 1750-1831
- Physical Description:
- 35.5 x 27 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Location Code: m2, Hand-colored, Caption: A Boxing Match, or Another Bloody Nose for John Bull, and Print Location: map case 2: War of 1812, folder 1
- Subject:
- John Bull (Symbolic character)
- Creator:
- Charles, William, 1776-1820
- Date Created:
- 1813
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03074
- Genre:
- Etchings
- Geographic Location:
- United States--History--War of 1812
- Persons Pictured:
- Madison, James, 1751-1836 and George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820
- Physical Description:
- 26.5 x 35.5 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Hand-colored, Location Code: m2, Print Location: map case 2: War of 1812, folder 1, and Caption: Le baiser de Judas, ou la bonne foi Anglaise
- Subject:
- Soldiers--Great Britain
- Date Created:
- 1815
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03073
- Genre:
- Engravings
- Geographic Location:
- United States--History--War of 1812
- Physical Description:
- 26 x 37 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Caption: Z. Taylor, Location Code: m1, "Battle of Buena Vista", and Print Location: map case 1: Zachary Taylor
- Subject:
- Presidents--United States
- Creator:
- Publisher: Walker & White
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03050
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Taylor, Zachary, 1784-1850
- Physical Description:
- 26 x 21.5 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Print Location: map case 1: Zachary Taylor, "From a sketch made by Capt. Eaton, Aid de Camp, Camaroo, Mexico, August 15th 1846", Caption: Your obt Servt, Z. ...
- Subject:
- Presidents--United States
- Creator:
- Sartain, John, 1808-1897
- Date Created:
- 1847
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-03049
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Taylor, Zachary, 1784-1850
- Physical Description:
- 26 x 15.5 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Caption: William Henry Harrison. Portrait of Harrison with vignette of "North Bend, Shewing the Residence & Tomb of the late President", Location Code: m...
- Subject:
- Presidents--United States
- Creator:
- Publisher: Geo. F. Foot
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02991
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Harrison, William Henry, 1773-1841
- Physical Description:
- 35 x 25.5 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Hand-colored, Print Location: map case 1: William Henry Harrison, Caption: General William H. Harrison. Hero of Tippecanoe Fort Meigs & Thames, and Locat...
- Subject:
- Presidents--United States
- Creator:
- N. Currier (Firm) and Publisher: Currier
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02990
- Genre:
- Lithographs
- Geographic Location:
- United States--History--War of 1812--Campaigns
- Persons Pictured:
- Harrison, William Henry, 1773-1841
- Physical Description:
- 35 x 25 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Hand-colored, Print Location: map case 1: William Henry Harrison, Location Code: m1, and Caption: William Henry Harrison. Ninth President of the United States
- Subject:
- Presidents--United States
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02988
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Harrison, William Henry, 1773-1841
- Physical Description:
- 31 x 25.5 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Caption: William Henry Harrison. Ninth President of the United States, Location Code: m1, Print Location: map case 1: William Henry Harrison, and Hand-colored
- Subject:
- Presidents--United States
- Creator:
- Publisher: N. Currier and N. Currier (Firm)
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02987
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Harrison, William Henry, 1773-1841
- Physical Description:
- 40.5 x 30.5 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Location Code: m1, Hand-colored, Caption: William Henry Harrison. Ninth President of the United States, and Print Location: map case 1: William Henry Harrison
- Subject:
- Presidents--United States
- Creator:
- N. Currier (Firm) and Publisher: N. Currier
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02986
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Harrison, William Henry, 1773-1841
- Physical Description:
- 36 x 25.5 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Location Code: m1, Print Location: map case 1: William Henry Harrison, Hand-colored, Caption: William Henry Harrison. Ninth President of the United States. B...
- Subject:
- Presidents--United States
- Creator:
- Publisher: E.B. & E.C. Kellogg, Needham, Dwight, and E.B. & E.C. Kellogg (Firm)
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02984
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Harrison, William Henry, 1773-1841
- Physical Description:
- 36 x 26 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Print Location: map case 1: William Henry Harrison, Location Code: m1, Hand-colored, and Caption: Wm. H. Harrison, Ninth President of the United States
- Subject:
- Presidents--United States
- Creator:
- Publisher: H. Robinson and Robinson, Henry R., d. 1850
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02985
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Harrison, William Henry, 1773-1841
- Physical Description:
- 36 x 25.5 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Il tient Magasin de Papiers en Rouleaux, A Paris ches Bosset, Rue St. Jacques, Color, and Caption: General des Anglos Ameriquains
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02565
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Washington, George, 1732-1799
- Physical Description:
- 20.5 x 15 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Caption: President au Congress des XIII Provinces unies d'Amerique, ne a Boston, Se vend a Londres chez Thom. Hart, and peint par Jean Wilckinson a Boston
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02564
- Persons Pictured:
- Hancock, John, 1737-1793
- Physical Description:
- 11 x 8 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Caption: From the Original Picture by John Collet, in the possession of Carington Bowles, Printed for & sold by Carington Bowles .. London, and Reproduction
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02562
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Jones, John Paul, 1747-1792
- Physical Description:
- 14.5 x 11.5 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Caption: Printed for R. Wilkinson, at No. 58, Cornhill
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02563
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Jones, John Paul, 1747-1792
- Physical Description:
- 15.5 x 12 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Reproduction and Caption: in the Corridor Hall, Masonic Temple, Philadelphia
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02561
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Washington, George, 1732-1799
- Physical Description:
- 19 x 12.5 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Caption: (Afterwards George II,) Captain General, 1715-1760
- Creator:
- Kneller, Godfrey, Sir and Faber, J.
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02560
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1760
- Physical Description:
- 18 x 12 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Two reproductions
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02559
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Estaing, Charles Henri, comte d', 1729-1794
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Caption: From an Original Picture in the Possession of Mr. Brown, Possibly Nathanael Greene (1742 - 1786)?, and Published by him (Mr. Brown)April 22 1785, an...
- Creator:
- Publisher: J. Brown.
- Date Created:
- 1785
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02558
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Physical Description:
- 19.5 x 12 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Reproduction of a photograph
- Creator:
- Publisher: Underwood and Underwood
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02557
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930 and Taft, Helen Herron, 1861-1943
- Physical Description:
- 18 x 13 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- After a painting by James Sharples and Caption: "Dolly Madison," a portrait by James Sharples in Independence Hall, Philadelphia
- Subject:
- Presidents' spouses--United States
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02556
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Madison, Dolley, 1768-1849
- Physical Description:
- 19 x 14.5 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Reproduction
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02555
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Taft, Helen Herron, 1861-1943
- Physical Description:
- 21.5 x 14 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Caption: in Coronation Robes, as She Ascended the Throne in 1837 and Color reproduction
- Creator:
- Publisher: National Geographic Society and Photographer: B. Anthony Stewart
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02554
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 1819-1901
- Physical Description:
- 25.5 x 17.5 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02553
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Estaing, Charles Henri, comte d', 1729-1794
- Physical Description:
- 16 x 10.5 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Caption: Copper Cylinders, Torpedoes united by a coupling line, drifting down on each side of the Vessel. The Harpoon and a Torpedo set with weight and ancho...
- Subject:
- Ships
- Creator:
- Rosenthal, L. N. (Louis N.) and Fulton, Robert, 1765-1815
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02550
- Genre:
- Lithographs
- Physical Description:
- 14 x 23.5 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Caption: at the Age of 28 and After a miniature painted at Paris
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02552
- Genre:
- Portraits
- Persons Pictured:
- Fersen, Hans Axel von, greve, 1755-1810
- Physical Description:
- 16 x 12 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- After a painting by Thomas Whitcombe, Caption: Capture of the Argus, Aug. 14th 1813, "Publish'd Feb. 1-1817, at 48 Strand, for J. Jenkins's Naval Achievement...
- Subject:
- Argus (Brig)
- Creator:
- Sutherland, Thomas, ca. 1785-ca. 1825
- Date Created:
- 1817
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02549
- Genre:
- Etchings
- Geographic Location:
- United States--History--War of 1812--Naval operations
- Physical Description:
- 27.5 x 34 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Color and J. Baillie 88 St. Near 3 Ave. New York
- Creator:
- Baillie, J. and Publisher: J. Baillie
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02548
- Physical Description:
- 26.5 x 36 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Subject:
- Ships
- Creator:
- Publisher: N. Currier, 2 Spruce St. and Currier, N.
- Date Created:
- 1846
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02547
- Physical Description:
- 24 x 33.5 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Caption: Death of Tecumseh. Battle of the Thames Oct. 8th 1813 and Hand-colored
- Subject:
- Thames, Battle of the, Ont., 1813
- Creator:
- N. Currier (Firm) and Publisher: N. Currier
- Date Created:
- 1841
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02546
- Genre:
- Lithographs
- Geographic Location:
- United States--History--War of 1812--Campaigns
- Persons Pictured:
- Johnson, Richard M. (Richard Mentor), 1780-1850 and Tescumseh, Shawnee Chief, 1768-1813
- Physical Description:
- 35.5 x 28 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Hand-colored and Caption: Death of Tecumseh. Battle of the Thames Oct. 18, 1813
- Subject:
- Thames, Battle of the, Ont., 1813
- Creator:
- N. Currier (Firm) and Publisher: N. Currier
- Date Created:
- 1846
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02545
- Genre:
- Lithographs
- Geographic Location:
- United States--History--War of 1812--Campaigns
- Persons Pictured:
- Johnson, Richard M. (Richard Mentor), 1780-1850 and Tecumseh, Shawnee Chief, 1768-1813
- Physical Description:
- 25.5 x 25.5 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Hand-colored
- Subject:
- New Orleans, Battle of, New Orleans, La., 1815
- Creator:
- T.W. Strong (Firm)
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02544
- Genre:
- Lithographs
- Geographic Location:
- Louisiana--History--War of 1812--Campaigns
- Physical Description:
- 25.5 x 33.5 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Caption: The Battle of New Orleans, After a painting by D.M. Carter, and "From the original picture in the possession of the publishers"
- Subject:
- New Orleans, Battle of, New Orleans, La., 1815
- Creator:
- Publisher: Martin, Johnson & Co. and Thos. Phillibrown
- Date Created:
- 1856
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02543
- Genre:
- Engravings
- Geographic Location:
- Louisiana--History--War of 1812--Campaigns
- Physical Description:
- 19 x 25 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Subject:
- New Orleans, Battle of, New Orleans, La., 1815
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02542
- Genre:
- Engravings
- Geographic Location:
- Louisiana--History--War of 1812--Campaigns
- Physical Description:
- 10.5 x 18.5 cm.
- Persistent URL:
- Description:
- Hand-colored and Caption: The Battle of New Orleans, Fought Jan. 8th 1814
- Subject:
- New Orleans, Battle of, New Orleans, La., 1815
- Creator:
- Publisher: N. Currier and N. Currier (Firm)
- Date Created:
- 1842
- Identifier:
- VAC1755-02541
- Genre:
- Lithographs
- Geographic Location:
- Louisiana--History--War of 1812--Campaigns
- Persons Pictured:
- Jackson, Andrew, 1767-1845
- Physical Description:
- 25 x 35 cm.
- Persistent URL: