The Lilly Library is the rare books, manuscripts, and special collections library of the Indiana University Libraries, Bloomington. Its collections represent a diversity of subjects, including literature; children’s literature; history; folklore; science; radio, film and television; book collecting and bookselling; journalism; and translation.

Subcollections (45)

List of items in this collection

Johnson, J. mss., ca. 1740-1759

The Johnson, J. mss. consists of materials devised by Jane (Russell) Johnson primarily for the instruction of her son, George William Johnson. The materials ...


Lilly Library Maps

Explore maps from the collections of the Lilly Library.


Poole mss., 200-1600

The Poole mss. are a collection of 137 ancient, medieval and renaissance manuscripts and single leaves ranging from the 3rd to the 16th century. The collecti...


Frank M. Hohenberger Photograph Collection

Photographer and newspaperman Frank Hohenberger spent forty-seven years recording the life, customs, and scenes of the hills of Brown County, Indiana, ...


Welles mss. 1930-1950, (Bulk 1936-1947), LMC 2009

Consists of the correspondence, papers, and memorabilia of actor, writer, producer, director Orson Welles.


Meier mss. 1927-2010, LMC 2653

The Meier mss., 1927-2010, consists of the correspondence and papers of education reformer Deborah W. Meier (1931-), who is frequently credited ...


Ralston Lantern Slides

The Ralston, G. mss., 1916-1949, consists primarily of lantern slides collected by Glenn Ralston. Most of these slides ...


Williams, Jonathan mss. 1738-1869, LMC 2441

The Williams, Jonathan mss., 1738-1869, consist of letters and papers of Jonathan Williams, 1750-1815, merchant and soldier, grand-nephe...


Thiébault Family mss., 1733-1872, bulk 1793-1872, LMC 2416

Consists of the papers of mutiple generations of the Thiébault family. The collection contains correspondence, journals, sketches, legal documents, poems, so...


War of 1812 mss., 1776-1879

Consists of individual items acquired separately either as a gift or purchase from a variety of sources, relating to the War of 1812.