
20th Annual Retail Conference, Scripps-Howard Papers Public Deposited

  • Scripps-Howard Newspapers 20th Annual Retail Converence
  • FIRST ROW, Left to Right: Harold Riesz, New York Office. H.H. MacLean, New York Office. Jack Lockhart, New York. Maurice Levy, New York. William G. Chandler, New York. John J. Grove, Allegheny Conference on Community Development. Mark Ferree, New York. Lewis S. Fidler, New York Office. Earl J. Gaines, The Pittsburgh Press. SECOND ROW, Left to Right: Don Fazackerley, The San Francisco News. Robert Stoltz, The San Francisco News. Ned Mills, NEA Chicago. M G. Patton, The Pittsburgh Press. Grosse Smith, The Denver Rocky Mountain News. William Schmidt, The Columbus Citizen. William Savage, The Cincinnati Post. James Foltz, Memphis Publishing Company. S.J. Dilenschneider, The Columbus Citizen. Arthur Ardizone, The Cleveland Press. W.A. Daniels, Chicago Office. Allen Stanley, San Francisco Office. Harold Rosene, The Cleveland Press. Ray Powers, The Houston Press. THIRD ROW, Left to Right: Howard Grothe, The Washington Daily News. William Borglund, NEA Cleveland. Merritt Creager, The Knoxville News-Sentinel. Jim Pierson, The Denver Rocky Mountain News. W.C. Bussing, Evansvill Printing Corporation. Malcolm Bolles, Albuquerque Publishing Company. William Vaughan, New York. W.H. Metz, New York Office. Harry Gough, Chicago Office. Harris Roberts, The Cleveland Press. Grant Stone, The Cleveland Press. Herb Tushingham, Memphis Publishing Company. Fred Wilmar, Chicago Office. FOURTH ROW, Left to Right: Jerry Burton, New York Office. Louis Young, The Indianapolis Times. Frank Powers, The Knoxville News-Sentinel. Matt Meyer, The Washington Daily News. Harry Bradley, The Birmingham Post-Herald. Greg Dembski, Chicago Office. George Horton, Philadelphia Office. William Over, The Indianapolis Times. Jim Beck, Chicago Office. F.W. Giesel, The Cincinnati Post. FIFTH ROW, Left to Right: William Cooke, Newspaper Printing Corporation, El Paso. Frank Moore, The Houston Press. Franklin Katterjohn, Jr., Evansville Printing Corporation. Carl Barrea, The Houston Press. Stewart Kehler, Cincinnati Office. Wyle Stewart, Dallas Office. Leslie Yates, The Fort Worth Press. Stan Collins, The Cincinnati Post. Wally Lewis, The Denver Rocky Mountain News, Charles Schwat, The New York World-Telegram & Sun. James B. Jones, Detroit Office.
  • Chicago
  • United States
Date Taken
  • 1954-01-14
Accession Number
  • 1954.01.14_20th Ann. Retail Conferenc_SHN.a
Persistent Identifier
  • abstract
  • Business enterprises
  • Newspapers
  • Photography of men
  • 20th Annual Retail Conference, Scripps-Howard Papers
  • Illinois
Holding Location
  • IU Bloomington
Source Metadata Identifier


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