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Compilation of theological works, with commentaries Público Deposited

  • Language: Latin. Modern title: Expositio in novissimam visionem Ezechielis. Scribal title: Incipit liber quem herueus composuit super ultima uisione hyezechielis prophete. Author: Herve? de Bourg-Dieu, 1080?-1150. Incipit: Domino largiente nouissimam beati Ihezechielis uisionem. Explicit: et unus regnat in eternitate Amen. Folio range: 1r-86r ** Language: Latin. Modern title: Cena Cypriani. Scribal title: Dispositio Cene Cypriani Cecilii. Author: Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage, 200-258. Incipit: Quidam rex nomine iohel nuptias faciebat in regione orientis in chana galilee. Explicit: Ridebat defacto Sarra. Folio range: 86v-90v ** Language: Latin. Modern title: Expositio de Cena beati Cypriani. Scribal title: Incipit expositio magistri hervei de cena beati Cypriani Cartaginensis Episcopi. Author: Herve? de Bourg-Dieu, 1080?-1150. Incipit: Incipit prologus . opusculum de quo tractare rogatus sum sic in titulatur. Explicit: exposuant nimus politam quam proposuerat dereliquit. Folio range: 90v-117v ** Language: Latin. Modern title: Versus maligni angeli (Verses of a malign angel), with commentary. Scribal title: Versus contra hereticos. Incipit: Oppositum montem conscendem cernis oronten / Arma tua dextra capies . et fer caput extra. Explicit: qui est caput hereticorum iacet . i . amputatum est . //. Folio range: 118r-120v
Rights statement
Time Period
  • First half of the 15th century
Place of Origin
  • Italy
  • A manuscript produced in the first half of the fifteenth century, likely in Italy. It includes four works: Hervé de Bourgdieu, Expositio in novissimam visionem Ezechielis, Pseudo-S. Cyprianus, Disposito cenae (also known as Cena Cypriani), Hervé de Bourgdieu, Expositio de Cena beati Cypriani, and Versus maligni angeli (here titled Versus contra haereticos), with commentary. The opening folio contains the arms of an early owner, possibly Louis de La Palud who was a cardinal from 1450-1451.
Call Number
  • MS 3
  • Records created or enhanced by the Peripheral Manuscript Project’s Description team, led by Dr. Elizabeth K. Hebbard and Dr. Sarah L. Noonan.
Source Identifier
  • cow_006_001
  • Verse
  • Marginalia
  • Italy
  • Christian
  • Commentary
  • Manicules
  • France
  • Theology
  • Heraldry
  • Compilation of theological works, with commentaries
  • Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage, 200-258
  • Herve? de Bourg-Dieu, 1080?-1150
Physical Description
  • Physical type: Codex. Support material: Parchment. Extent: i + 1 + 120 + i. Collation: Q1-12 (10). Foliation - Pagination: Contemporary foliation on fol. 14. Modern foliation, every ten folios, in upper right-hand margin of recto. Catchwords: Horizontal, in the inner, lower margin of verso. Signatures: In lower, outer margin of recto in ink (see fol. 31r), many trimmed away. Bound dimensions (in mm): 226 x 155 x 48. Page dimensions (in mm): 220 x 147. Written area (in mm): 148 x 95-100. Script: Gothic. Script type: Textualis. Layout: One column, ruled in light pencil for thirty lines. Decoration: Six-line red initial with penwork and a heraldic crest on fol. 1r. Four- and three-line red initials, unflourished. Capitals heightened with red. Rubrication. Binding: Seventeenth- or eighteenth-century Italian brown calf, spine becoming detached.
  • Latin
Alternate Identifier
  • Accession University of Wooster 10809 (Accession number)
Persistent URL
Source Metadata Identifier
  • Louis de La Palud, d. 1451 (Former owner)
Date Created
  • 15th century
Owning Institution
  • College of Wooster Libraries Special Collections. College of Wooster. Wooster, OH.
  • Fol. 1r includes the arms of the first owner (cardinal's hat: gules, a cross ermine), which could be that of Louis de La Palud (cardinal, 1450-1451).
Bibliographic Citation
  • Migne, J.-P. Patrologia Latina database the full text database. Web edition. Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest Information and Learning Company, 1996. [Vol. 4, Cols. 925-932]
  • Dolez?alova?, Lucie. “Receptions of Obscurity and Obscurities of Reception: The Case of the Cena Cypriani.” Listy Filologické / Folia Philologica 125, no. 3/4 (2002): 187–97.
  • Castets, Ferdinand. “Vers Attribués a l’esprit Malin.” Revue Des Langues Romanes 31 (1887): 111–19.
  • Wilmart, A. “Le Prologue d’Hervé de Bourgdieu Pour Son Commentaire de La Cena Cypriani.” Revue Bénédictine 35 (1923): 255–63.
  • Doležalová, Lucie. “The Devil as a Christian Author? The Case of Versus Maligni Angeli.” In Author and Authorship in Medieval Latin Literature, edited by Edoardo D’Angelo and Jan Ziolkowski, 321–30. Florence: SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2014.
  • Ricci, Seymour de. Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada. 3 vols. New York: HWWilson, 1935. [Vol. 2, p. 1978]

