The Lilly Library is the rare books, manuscripts, and special collections library of the Indiana University Libraries, Bloomington. Its collections represent a diversity of subjects, including literature; children’s literature; history; folklore; science; radio, film and television; book collecting and bookselling; journalism; and translation.

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List of items in this collection

Willkie mss. 1934-1945, LMC 2191

The Willkie mss., 1934-1945, consist of correspondence, diaries, political memorabilia of Wendell L. Willkie.


French Literature mss., ca. 1750-1977, LMC 1391

Consists of individual items acquired separately either as a gift or purchased from a variety of sources, relating to or by French literary figures. Addition...


Philippine mss., 1750-1968

The Philippine mss. consist of original documents and transcripts relating to the Philippine Islands and the Spanish Roman Catholic missions in East Asia.


Straight mss. 1864-1881, LMC 2498

The Straight mss., 1864-1881, consists primarily of documents and papers relating to Captain David Evander Straight, 1832-1902, and the 100th Regiment, Unite...


Latin American mss. --Paraguay, 1640-1862

The Latin American mss. --Paraguay, 1640-1862, consists of individual items acquired separately either as a gift, purchase, transfer, or removal from a varie...


Harding, J.L. mss., 1861-1864, LMC 1461

The Harding, J.L. mss., 1861-1864, are Civil War letters of John Lucas Harding, 1841-1865, who served in the Indiana infantry, Seventh Regiment, Company I, ...


Hadley mss., 1860-1869

The Hadley mss., 1860-1869, consists of the Civil War letters of John Vestal Hadley, 1842-1915, ...


Isgrig mss., 1775-1854, LMC 2453

The Isgrig mss. consist of the Autobiography of Daniel Isgrig and associated material.


Gt. Brit. Admiralty mss., 1811-1813, LMC 1427

Consists of contemporary copies and duplicates of orders and letters to the commanders-in-chief at the Cape of Good Hope, Rear Admiral Robert Stopford (1768-...


Willett mss., 1863-1875

The Willett mss., 1863-1875, consist of letters and documents of the George Willett family of Quincy and Walpole, Massachusetts.