Indiana University Indiana University IU
Consists of the field notes of Walter Mason Camp, 1867-1925, engineer, dealing with the Indians and Indian Wars.
Lilly Library
The Lilly Library is the rare books, manuscripts, and special collections library of the Indiana University Libraries, Bloomington. Its collections represent...
Envelope 133: Miscellaneous questions (unanswered) at many places re: Nez Perce, etc.; books, articles, etc.
Kenneth Hammer transcript pp. 763-783
Kenneth Hammer transcript pp. 751-763
Envelope 134: Notes re: whites and Indians, Preface, Little Big Horn, Nez Perce, etc.; Reference to Maguire's reports, etc.; Ben Clark biography by Mooney.
Envelope 89: Wounded Knee: Data on monument and notes of battlefield and fight from Indian side (1910).
Envelope 42: Killing of McGee by Johnny Brughier, Louis Le Gore, etc.; E.H. Allison
Envelope 6: Barkley statement of 1874, gold expedition from Bozeman; odometer on Rosebud River, Sept. 1913; Bozeman expedition, 1874; Custer's camp, night of 6/24; Barkley; Wagon Box site
Envelope 70: Curly interview, 9/30/13, per Thomas LeForge, interpreter, etc.; Notes Crow: Cut Ear, Hairy Moccasin; Lt. C.F. Smith, Fetterman fight
h. Group of Indians of various ages in traditional dress and one white male (W.M. Camp?)
7. "Map of parts of Kansas, Indian Ter., Texas and New Mexico." In 4 parts, each 35x47.5cm. Photostats. Pencilled note reads: This four-sheet manuscript map is undoubtedly the one which accompanied Gen Miles Report of Mar. 4 1875 on the Indian Ter. Expn of 1874. W[illiam] C[arey] B[rown]." See: Hammer, page xi.