Men and women eating at outdoor event Öffentlichkeit Deposited
- Abstract
- A group of individuals is shown, seated and eating at a dining table at an outdoor event. The table is located under a large awning and balloons. Trees and a white fence are visible in the background.
- Country
- United States
- Date Taken
- 1956-03-14
- Accession Number
- MSA1.045.Folder Eisenhower People Places.026
- Persistent Identifier
- Filename
- VAD9735-000214
- Subject
- Special events
- Title
- Men and women eating at outdoor event
- Holding Location
- Bloomington - The Media School
Franklin Hall
601 East Kirkwood Ave
Bloomington, IN 47405
Contact at, 812-855-9247
- Bloomington - The Media School
- Campus
- IU Bloomington
- Source Metadata Identifier
- In Collection:
Miniaturansicht | Titel | Datum Hochgeladen | Sichtbarkeit | Aktionen |
VAD9735-000214.jp2 | 2022-12-26 | Öffentlichkeit |